Fighting Fire With Fire – A Grassroots Super Pac takes Political Activism to the Next Level

The glimmer of light in the chaotic darkness that has fallen over our country since the 2016 election has been the rise of citizen action and grassroots organizations that have stood up against Donald Trump and the GOP.  I’ve been honored to work side by side with many of them. 

The fact is, the Democrats did have a message and a well-articulated, progressive platform. The failure was in getting that message to the people. Amid the cacophony of social media, misinformation and Trump’s circus act, our message was lost. We can do better. We have to bring it to the people. Small group discussions in living rooms, town-halls and public spaces are necessary to engage with communities about policies and how they address their specific problems – and how GOP policies hurt them.

The critical issues we are facing require a formidable ground game to not only combat, but overcome GOP power. Enthusiasm and determination are in high-supply, but resources are scarce for activists on the ground. The GOP outraises us in funding and takes full advantage of Super PACS. They represent wealthy and corporate interests and are well-compensated in return.

We have a very real deficit when it comes to our ground-game. The GOP have funded, organized systems in place that we have not matched. The stakes could not be higher. As grassroots activists, we’re acutely aware of what it is going to take and we desperately need resources for larger-scale initiatives. 

Simply put, we need to fight fire with fire. Raise the voices and empower the actions of citizens and organizations. Give resources to grassroots initiatives and develop a competitive ground-game to win districts and states. Strengthen and support the amazing efforts of organizations like Indivisible, SwingLeft, MoveOn, Loyal Opposition and others. We need to utilize the same system the GOP has handily exploited. And that’s exactly what I set out to do, but instead of raising money from corporate interests, our funding comes from regular citizens who wish to support those working in the best interests of all Americans.
Democrats Work For America is a Super PAC created to support ground-level action. Our mission is to provide needed resources for grassroots political activism with the intent of electing Democrats. The scope of our mission includes the multi-level approach that we believe is crucial to taking back Congress in midterms: 

• Get Out The Vote efforts 

• Community Education and Targeted Outreach 

• Improved Messaging on Democratic Platform Awareness

• Coalition Building

• Candidate Vetting

• Campaign Support 

We have an aggressive agenda, but we have the network in place for united and well-organized initiatives. Our work precedes the pac. We operate 3 national level groups, focused groups for every state and several issue specific groups. We have working partnerships with other grassroots organizations. We have the ability, we just need the resources. Remember, there’s more of us and our voices matter. Your donations can make a huge difference.

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Author: razzara

Mother, strategist, writer, advocate, activist. My education is in Anthropology and Philosophy. I am the Founder and Director of Democrats Work For America, a political action committee supporting grassroots organizations and initiatives.

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